Amity and I met for our last run before the Richmond Half Marathon to do a little 3 mile jaunt--we took Holly and Thomas along for the ride.
After the run, we played in the backyard...
He loves flowers.
And he really liked this green ball/globe.
Holly was happy to run and romp with Thomas, too. She says, "it's a tough job, but someone has to do it."
The, I dragged fulfilled Thomas' dreams of a Lowe's outing...
He gave me his input on possible colors for the bathroom.
He helped my pick out the best paintbrush for the job--later he tasted it to let me know it was pretty good.
He pointed to the neon pink reindeer that he wants for the front yard (don't worry, Thomas, Godmommy will come through for you on that, one--we just won't tell your Mom).
He was amazed at how Lowe's has been taken over by all things Christmas, and Thanksgiving hasn't even rolled around yet.
Now this is a scary Santa (the pretty lady with the awesome yellow purse is Lissa, one of my best friends and Thomas' mom--we were discussing all of the possible children who might be traumatized filled with joy by this Santa during this Holiday Season). The traumatizing filled with joy discussion started because as we were walking along, all of a sudden this Big Boy starts moving and a grooving--I startled and said "scary!" Thomas then repeated "scary" for the rest of the trip--I hope that Santa has not been ruined for him--he is only 2 years old and has lots of Christmases left. But that Big Santa that moves all of a sudden IS SCARY.
After I tucked my sweet boy into his car seat in the back of his Momma's car, I zoomed on back home to get my priming is a bit of my handiwork.
Don't worry, I got a TON all over my hands, legs, arms, etc. Luckily it was latex, so it came off pretty well in the shower.
After I took a nice
Sea Scallops and Fried Oysters
Mom, showing off the menu--what a goofball!
Stuffed Peppers and Flatbread Duck Pizza
If that wasn't a great evening...there is more! I was the lucky winner of the tickets to RHome Holiday Event at La Diff where Maxwell Gillingham-Ryan from Apartment Therapy was the Guest Speaker! It was great! We got to wander around La Diff and ooh and aah at all of the chic, cool, modern pieces and fun accessories; look at some very cool and festive wreaths and holiday tablescapes on display; and be entertained by ballerinas from the Richmond Ballet's Nutcracker!
Here are some of the cool things I perused in La Diff...
LOVE these wall thingies (I'm sure there is a name, but I am not sure what it is, so I'm going with wall thingies). I can just see the flowers in a little girl's room, or maybe in a family room.
Doesn't my mom look relaxed and stress-free??? I guess that is why they call this "Stressless." outside furniture! Cool, right?! And, it is comfortable! I tried it out! I LOVE it! It reminds me of Alice in Wonderland or something...I don't know why, but it does.
I LOVE this chair and would like for it to be in my house---Santa? You hear me?
I like this dragonfly pillow--I could see it on my screened porch in a big fluffy chair for reading in...
I LOVE this rug!! It is in French! Je l'adore!!!
I just thought these were funny.
Maybe you would like them in gold?
I LOVE this swanky sofa. One day, when I have a more formal living room, I think I will purchase this...
I don't know about you, but I always wanted cardboard animal heads mounted on my wall...actually these would be cool in my office and I could dress them up according to the season. I could also see them adding a little something extra in a boy's room.
I love over-sized jars for home accents.
This chandelier is awesome.
The wreathes that were on auction were awesome! I was tempted to put a bid in on these two:
but I've decided that I am going to do a DIY wreath this year, here are some I've seen around the Blogging World that are inspiring--

From Apartment Therapy

From Apartment Therapy
From Tatertots and Jello
Anyway, back to the RHome Event...check out this beautiful holiday tablescape Strawberry Fields put together.
I love this little birdie--if you look closely, you can see the robin eggs tucked inside!
With Thanksgiving next week and Christmas around the corner, I will leave you with some twirling ballerinas to get you in the holiday mood! I'm thinking that I might want to check out the Richmond Ballet's Nutcracker this Holiday Season after seeing these lovely ladies!
If twirling ballerinas and Nutcracker Suite in your head don't get you in the holiday spirit, then I'm not sure what else will, besides maybe some hot cocoa, fleece pajamas, and A Christmas Story.
Lexie, you are a fun date! Love your documentary of our mother/daughter night out.
P.S. We are looking forward to babysitting our Granddog!