I know I have mentioned to you my "bad" tv habits. I LOVE my DVR and take full advantage of the feature to DVR all sorts of television shows. Drama, reality tv, sitcoms, etc. Some of the shows are not bad and pretty respectable, some of the shows are not exactly what one would call "quality" tv.
So...I thought it might be an interesting to list the tv shows that pop up on my DVR and I would love to hear the comments you all have and if you all watch the same ones!
Here is the list of my tasteful and not so tasteful mind-sucking tv watching material.
Modern Family-- I LOVE this show and laugh out loud pretty much every time I watch it--witty writing, the actors are great, and the plots are hilarious!
Glee--oh how I love t his show! It makes me happy whenever I watch it! I am so ready for the new season to begin, so I can start my couch sing-a-longs again!
Desperate Housewives--yes I still watch this--it is easy to watch with crazy plot lines that keeps me tuned in.
Brother and Sisters--love this, pretty much tear up and laugh out loud at every episode.
Grey's Anatomy--am I the only one that still watches it? I am so hooked! Even though Izzy is gone, I still love it.
Private Practice--I pretty much tear up with every episode, such good drama!
Parenthood--good show, which can also produce tears and laughter. The story lines are great and relateable.
I LOVE ABC Family--there is something about "tween" shows that I can really relate to--maybe I'm just immature?
I love Pretty Little Liars, Greek, and Make It or Break It (can't wait for this to come back on in March). These are some pretty good shows, I love it!
Now, I am a sucker for Reality TV and I have lots that make it onto my DVR, so before reading, please don't judge!
Toddler and Tiaras--I don't know why I love watching this show, it is kind of like a train wreck, you just have to watch and tune into see what is going to happen next; as in tantrums, spray tanning 3-year-olds, grown men and women shouting "Sparkle Baby," fake eyelashes and teeth, and all the rhinestones...
The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, New York New Jersey, and Orange County--Hubby actually got me hooked on all this mess, and he has now stopped watching and I am pretty much hooked. I don't know why, I guess it is that same train wreck factor.
Flipping Out--I LOVE Jeff, Zoila, Jenny and the whole crew! I would love to hang out and be a fly on the wall for a day! I usually laugh out loud at every episode and really want an "I love Zoila" t-shirt or bumper sticker. (Hubby got me hooked on this one too.) The new season is starting up soon and I can't wait to see what Jeff has in store this year!
Million Dollar Listing--love this, another one Hubby got me into. The guys on this are so ridiculous, it is fun to watch-- the new season is starting up again soon and I am so excited!
Top Chef--I love seeing what all the chefs come up with and fall in love with some of the contestants. I would love to go to some of the restaurants of the chefs and have even met the Voltaggio brothers at The Preakness last year!!!
There are a few reality tv shows that I don't actually DVR, but can definitely spend some time watching when I catch it--Bridezillas (again, the train wreck factor), 16 and Pregnant, which goes hand in had with Teen Mom (God help the children born and raised by some of these children, thank God most of them have pretty good and stable support system in place), Say Yes to the Dress (just fun to watch people try on wedding dresses). Hoarders is also one to watch every now and again--if not just to motivate to do some cleaning out!
Hubby and I have also been intrigued by some other shows lately--Pawn Stars (Chumley and the Old Man are my favorites), Gold Rush: Alaska (it is amazing these guys haven't gotten killed yet) and American Pickers are pretty good, if you are looking for something new to add into your tv rotation. :)
I have My Strange Addiction on my DVR, but I am still trying to figure out if I like it; I caught an episode of Off the Map, and I liked that, so that might be added to the mix. I was recording Intervention, but decided it was too depressing (after two or three years of faithful watching, why it took me so long to come to the conclusion that it was too depressing, I have no idea), so have since stopped watching that.
Well, I hope by revealing all of my guilty tv pleasures, I haven't lost any readers :) Do you have any guilty tv pleasures?
Life is busy--my life is busy. I juggle millions of things (family, work, friends, exercise, cooking, shopping, etc.) and often need to interrupt myself to stop and smell the roses...hence, Life Interrupted. I thought it would be nice to have a place where I can muse about things, share stories and anecdotes, pictures, recipes, restaurant reviews, crafts, etc. Whatever I find interesting, amusing, amazing...
Monday, January 31, 2011
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
West Virginia...Mountain Mama
I spent last weekend in Huntington, West Virginia visiting a dear college friend and her family. We had a b-l-a-s-t! I got to see her home, meet her children for the first time (ages 6 months and 3 years), get to know her town, and have some great girl time! It was great!
Anyway, back to my trip--Huntington, WV, for those of you who don't know, is about a 5 and a half hour drive from Richmond, VA--about 45 minutes past Charleston. It was a super easy drive--all interstate! I had my Books on Tape, beautiful scenery, Diet Coke, and interstate driving--it was great! I snapped some pictures along the way (do not tell my Mom I did this, and I do not recommend doing this, as I imagine it is not terribly safe), but check out what I got to look at along my drive!
I got to Huntington just before dinner time--perfect timing, as Sarah (aka The Hostess with the Mostest) had a wonderful appetizer of Citrus, Rosemary, and Ginger Brie ready to munch on, accompanied by some sparkling wine!
I also got to meet her sweet children, Jackson (3) and Ashlyn (6 months)...her most accommodating husband, Brian was also there to welcome me to their home!
Her kids are so sweet and so cute! Jackson is a laugh a minute and kept me entertained for much of the time I was there! Ashlyn was a doll who would smile and cuddle up with you--loved meeting them!
Check out our dinner (I have requested this recipe as well)--Beef Tenderloin stuffed with Feta, Walnuts and Basil--yumm-o!
I wrapped the Wire Wreath Form in Yellow Ribbon:

After our relaxing day, it was time to go out to dinner at one of Sarah and Brian's favorite restaurants--Rocco's. It was delicious! The food was amazing, the wine was fantastic, and the company was great! I loved that the local Italian place had red-checked tablecloths!
Thank you Price Family!
Here is a picture of Sarah and I over the summer at our Ten Year Reunion:
Here is a Group shot of all attendees from the Class of 2000, just for fun :)
Anyway, back to my trip--Huntington, WV, for those of you who don't know, is about a 5 and a half hour drive from Richmond, VA--about 45 minutes past Charleston. It was a super easy drive--all interstate! I had my Books on Tape, beautiful scenery, Diet Coke, and interstate driving--it was great! I snapped some pictures along the way (do not tell my Mom I did this, and I do not recommend doing this, as I imagine it is not terribly safe), but check out what I got to look at along my drive!
I got to Huntington just before dinner time--perfect timing, as Sarah (aka The Hostess with the Mostest) had a wonderful appetizer of Citrus, Rosemary, and Ginger Brie ready to munch on, accompanied by some sparkling wine!
(Don't worry, I have requested the recipe and will be sharing with you once I get it)
Her kids are so sweet and so cute! Jackson is a laugh a minute and kept me entertained for much of the time I was there! Ashlyn was a doll who would smile and cuddle up with you--loved meeting them!
Check out our dinner (I have requested this recipe as well)--Beef Tenderloin stuffed with Feta, Walnuts and Basil--yumm-o!
Brian opened the good stuff for us :)
We had an amazing evening catching up, reminiscing, and visiting with each other! The next day was rather low-key--with lunch out in Huntington and a trip to the gym and then Black Bean Chili for dinner (with brownie ice cream sundaes and "Couples Retreat" after, snuggled in bed--Brian was on-call at the hospital, so he wasn't snuggling with us, in case you were wondering).
Huntington is a sweet, quaint town with neat neighborhoods tucked away, amazing houses, a cute downtown, and parks (as well as Tudor's Biscuit World, which I was able to snag on my way out of town on Monday).
The next day we totally vegged for most of the day...and did a craft! Instead of bringing Sarah and Brian a candle or hand towel or something they probably don't need, I brought stuff to make a Yarn Ball Wreath for their home (I just think they are so darn cute)! The original idea was that Sarah and I would both make one, but then Ashlyn really wanted to help, so Sarah kept her happy while talking to me while I worked on the wreath.
So, here is a little tutorial--
I had all of this stuff--but only used a fraction of it:
I wrapped the Wire Wreath Form in Yellow Ribbon:
Securing it with hot glue at the end (and occasionally along the way). This was to prevent the mishap that occurred last time I made a Wreath. What is not pictured is the wrapping of the yarn around the Styrofoam balls and me hot glueing the bejeezus out of it onto the wreath...use your imagination...
And...here is the finished product! Pretty cute! Sarah decided to put it in Baby Ashlyn's room, as it it perfect with the color scheme.
Speaking of their home, let me just show you some pictures of Sarah and Brian's gorgeous home, that was built in the early 1900s--it is 90 years old! It is truly amazing and I know Sarah is eager to get started in decorating it all over and making it their own!!!
The front of the house--taken from the street.
The side of the house--the other side used to be open like this, but has since been enclosed to form a sun room-type space.
This is a separate carriage house--how could would it be turn this into a separate guest house?
I am loving the yellow wallpaper in this room---it is hard to tell, but there are birds intertwined with the full blooms. I also adore the built in china cabinets!
This is the front foyer--I love the wooden door and big brass lock--along with the charming details of the woodwork surrounding the front door.
Here is the formal living room--a room Sarah is still getting together in her mind--I love the huge space they have to play with here and the fireplace and windows are great! In the photo below is a painting of the house that the former owner left them--I love the personal touch!Here are some pictures of Ashlyn's room--
I LOVE the cornices around the windows! Such a great idea!
I think the wreath looks pretty good there--how about you? I suggested possibly getting a round mirror to go inside to give it a little something extra...
And here is the lovely occupant...
Jackson was way into building with his Tinker Toys...
Check out the cool train toy box in the background--love it!
Then there was the red "Jackson" chair--perfect for reading a story...or doing some building...
After our relaxing day, it was time to go out to dinner at one of Sarah and Brian's favorite restaurants--Rocco's. It was delicious! The food was amazing, the wine was fantastic, and the company was great! I loved that the local Italian place had red-checked tablecloths!
Fettuccine with Chicken, Cream, Walnuts and Sun dried tomatoes
Lobster over Angel Hair Pasta in a Cream Sauce
It was so yumm-o!!! I can't wait to go again on my next visit to Huntington!
Ashlyn loving the necklace I wore.
Sarah loving on her "Little Lady".
Sarah and I
What a wonderful trip! We had a relaxing time filled with chatting, laughing, snuggling (with the kiddos), eating, and being together. It was great and so good for my soul.
Thank you Price Family!
Has anyone else been to Huntingon? Or anywhere else in West Virginia?
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