Sunday, November 7, 2010

Weekends with AAA

Hi Friends!

Hope you all had a nice weekend!  I can say that Fall is definitely here!  It is chilly out there and frost was on the ground. 

Saturday was the final run before the Half Marathon next weekend!  We ran 6 miles and it felt good (and cold).  I am excited for next weekend and can't wait to cross the finish line!  My friend, Amity, is running too.  We have been training together and I am so excited for her to cross the finish line, too!  This is her first big race and I am so proud of her! 

 This is our team from the Half Marathon Training Team--the Falcons. 

This is a picture of Amity and I on our run a few weeks ago.

Thought I would share with you the eventful start to my day...I was going to make a biscuit run this morning, but Sophie (Saab) was not cooperating...dead battery (thinking the cold weather was not sitting too well with her).  So, I zoomed off in Hubby's car, then came back and waited for AAA to come to the rescue (Hubby had a tee time).  No big deal, I was able to catch up on my shows that were taking up space on the DVR.  AAA came and gave me a jump and encouraged me to get a new battery.  So, I got in Sophie and we were headed to Advanced Auto Parts and she was sending me the "Refill Fuel Now" message.  Since I did not want a repeat from a few weeks ago (remember Gas Can Annie), we made a pit stop at the 7-11 (across from Advances Auto).  Well, Sophie had had enough and was not interested in re-starting to cross the street after she was filled up.  So, I walked over there and was able to work the charm and get one of the guys to follow me across the street to jump her so we could get a new battery.  $160 later, Sophie was happy, content, and willing to go on any errands I threw at her. 
And to think I thought I was only going to be getting groceries and dog food today!  Now I have a new car battery with a 3-year warranty!

Any of you have any interesting car-related adventures/mishaps/conundrums?

1 comment:

  1. Between Gas Can Annie action and Sophie Stall-out, I think your blog is aptly named!
